But I remember the days when I would have to peek through it's cracks to catch a glimpse of the magical world that lay just outside them.
Stepping foot on grounds that haven't been touched by any shoes of mine in quite some time now...
But I remember the days when they had lights on side of them and I would jump higher and higher to try and make them brighter and brighter.
Sitting on that old swing set with my knees almost in my chest now...
But I remember the days when my feet dangled at the bottom of my legs reaching for the ground but never reaching it.
Standing in a field that's borders are clear because it's empty and plain now...
But I remember the days when the blackberry bushes covered near half of it's grass and I carved out a path to my first sanctuary that sat in the very back.
Awkwardly walking up those tiny random stairs fully bending down to slide my hands across the rails now...
But I remember the days when they were just waist high, the perfect size and I'd fly up them hitting each step with flawless stride.
Ducking under the monkey bars to avoid the blunt force trauma of smacking my head, I am much taller than them now...
But I remember the days of when I would climb onto the shoulders of friends to hang from them for as long as my fading grip would allow me.
Resting my weeping head on the this picnic table that is obviously too small for the likes of me now...
But I remember the days when I'd stand with ferocity on that table top and rain down my terror on Beth and Peggy Sue like any good Godzilla would do.
In a world where everything is instant and constantly fast paced, time seems slower in this place; untouched by age.
These walls and halls still echo my childhood laughter. As my now calloused hands capture my, adult sized, tears I silently thank whoever spent the years keeping this piece of history an unseen mystery to the ever flowing and changing universe.
No matter what turn my path takes I'll always remember the days when nothing could make greater escapes.
This man's weather worn face sits eye to eye with the unforgiving world now...
But behind the barrier of memories I am still a boy...
Spying on the non believers and teachers through fences that bordered my secret lair running up and down random stairs stomping my light up shoes on each step that rests just beyond a rusted swing set with chains as long as the sky so I felt like I could fly climbing mount bestfriend just to hold on for dear life like the monkey bars are as high as stars dropping down on top of the world and letting out a roar to scare the girls followed by belly laughter that shook the rafters....
That world has been morphing and contorting for quite awhile but I still smile
Because back then... I ruled it In the very same way I do today.