where did it go? left in some boxed toys in a garage sale? nah, it was left on school buses and playgrounds trampled in the grime and dirt of too many fistfights. tossed aside for the brave face that kept me alive for another surgery…and recovery. I tried to find it a few times but too much time had passed and little else had gotten better I had moved on…unwittingly…unwillingly moved into the territory of the adult able to hold my own in a conversation that should have been over my head but was not. I had discovered a different kind of toy one that smelled like wild cherry bubble gum when first opened one that was magnetic as it’s sounds unwound across my tape machine. I tried to talk to people my age about my discoveries They were too busy discovering their own wonders like a pretty solid fastball...or even second base. Years and youth gone I lived alone with notebooks, headphones, and cassette decks content to leave their world for my own a combination of riffs and words that inspired me to use my own voice to produce as good or better than the gods that lived in my backpack. I make my way… and the old gods still ride along.