I have no vices, no advice for anyone who doesn't either. I don't smoke cigarettes or even drink coffee. I'm not much of a drinker anymore and marijuana gives me anxiety. So on days when the world is crushing me one foot into my throat at a time I wonder what my vice could be. Pills have found themselves into the throats of many, and when they found the empathy in my esophagus They won. And then the blade found it's way to my wrist and I wondered how I got like this. So ever since then, no vices for me. No way out, no mask or hiding behind lies or behind the counter counterfeits Just my own demons staring right back at me like gazing at my reflection in broken mirrors. I have understood the beauty of a sunset and known what it's like to cling to the darkness shortly after. I have felt the sinister euphoria behind broken drywall and broken noses. But all of it led me to the same place I was before. Clinging onto drunken nights and drunken lips, with every cigarette lit I reminded myself- this wasn't who I am and I liked it that way.
Now those drunken nights turn to dark ones and those drunken lips have turned to friendships so ever since then I remind myself that nothing is permanent and as I realize the only thing that could save me in the end, was knowing that I've done ****** things and the world that surrounds me has been ****** since I entered it but I am no cowered. I will love more than I have been loved which isn't a hard thing to do because people, printers and partying came first- I have always been a secretary to secondary. But I will fear no man, or take no one's **** I will live this life how I envisioned it, and love more than I have witnessed.