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Aug 2014
We have school on Monday
But my friend told she’s not coming.
“I will not go if she doesn’t come” I said
“If you don’t then I won’t come to school.” Then my other friend said
“If you all don’t come then we won’t come school.” Then all the girls said
“If the girls don’t come, we also won’t come.” Then the teachers in our school said.
“If the teachers and the girls don’t come then we won’t come.” Then the boys said
“If the boys don’t come, if the girls won’t come and the teachers don’t come. Then we won’t come.” the year 6 section said
“If the girls, boys, and teacher won’t come, we won't come.” the year 5 said
“If the teachers don’t come, the boy don’t come and the girls don’t, then we won’t come.” the year 4 said
“If the boys, girls, and the teacher don’t come, then we won’t come.” the year 3 said
So Monday came and so nobody has come to school, because the teacher, boys, and the girls won’t come. So, they took a holiday.
Written by
Vianga Dias
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