Control Everything comes back to control There are pins on a board Places you took me Needles in my skin Places you touched me But, no This time I'm not losing it Maybe it's because you're only a foot from me Maybe I still have some hope Trials and errors Everything comes back to trial and error You were a trial I was the error I'm realizing in time, Everything really does fade to black and white I'm realizing Everything doesn't happen for a reason This wasn't fate This wasn't a higher power Here I sit, Ready to pour And your back is turned to me Nothing's the enemy There is no ******* enemy Walking through empty corridors, Filled with paranoia I'm not afraid of going numb again That'd be the best case scenario No, I'm afraid of feeling this All of it Like a slow, steady beating Like a nail on my kneecap, A hammer in your hand Like it was all just Nothing This was your trial And I was the error Like a hammer in your heart Like your heart morphing into a hammer One swift hit Trial and error