I am the scurrying vole in the talons of a swooping hawk. I am where the mountain breaks the air, I am the plum sky dissolving to the golden horizon, I am the shadow of the clouds that nuzzle the Earth, I am the vail of mist and the breath of my breath.
I am the cities and the buildings and the roads I am the cement the steel and the iron I am the legions or workers and the industry of nations I am the atomic bomb and the internet I am the electronic and the plasma
I am the stars in the sky, I am the sun and the moon I am the brilliant nova I am the seamless dark
I am life and death I am suffering and sufferer, I am euphoria and delight. I am the hot rocks, core and the burnt crust, I am shining light and the womb
I am the crying babe and the gasp of death I am birth of awareness and spark of thought I am sickness, the fever and the cough I am medicine I am the face of the hopeless
I am the beggar and the businessman I am ragged and the ***** I am sleek and the clean I am spit upon and the downtrodden