"Run down the list, if you please." "OK. Doc, let's start with these: An earwig with shin splints, a worm with heartburn, A cockroach with a cold-" "He should have wrapped up like he was told!" "-A bee with hay-fever." "She never listens either..." "A centipede with a migraine, A fly with wing sprain And a woodlouse with suspected vertigo." "Is that them all?" "Well, no. There's an elderly spider with a blister on his ***. He can't spin a web to build a trap or home. There is a grub with possible depression, A slug with a stomach bug And a ladybird with gout." "Too many greenflies, no doubt." "There's a butterfly with signs of hypochondria due to a swollen antennae, no matter what I say he's certain he is going to die. Now, the last is a delicate imposition: the Queen ant wants birth control, Because she is sick of her pregnant condition."