Oh, such a natural state the still mind is. A blissful feeling nurtures the heart of His. The world is seen through majestic eyes. Happiness is, while the clock-time dies.
Every moment of now needs the full and acute attention your being can allow, or you live not in this dimension. The virtue of being lies below the surface of disconnect. An insight so freeing, one must merely take the time to reflect.
What is this joyful state of living? Where one finds their heart alive, in a natural state of forgiving; In which the human soul does thrive. An unconscious society has plagued our purity. We act with impropriety, and live in obscurity.
Yet, there are the few that have embraced intense awareness, who will now renew, and bring to life, the act of fairness. So humanity may live with peace; so the world may be fully reborn, so our own soul can find release; so the robe of unity will be worn.
Every one of nature's spirits are bound from the inside out. The full power of wholeness can astound, past the edge of doubt. Oh, how stillness lies beneath the rubble of the mind. And to our surprise, we see, yet are completely blind.
But hope still reigns in the magic of my essence, for bliss remains, as we start the convalescence. As the fervor of the embracing band into the promise of one, I smile as the world is racing towards a change that has long begun.
So with my fellow earthlings, I plead: Live fully in every short moment's now, for without each second's eternal leave, how can we cherish if we disavow?