You say "Do you love me?" You want "yes," But not love. You say "I love love love you soooo much!~" But not forever, Not even for long. Wrong is not in your Vocabulary for self-reference And I'm not about to teach you That "love" is as small as A bird On a cold day and as quiet As the space an ever-stretching Universe can fill by the End of "forever."
It gets in - In the cracks, In the holes, But it doesn't flow. It doesn't drain When you split apart. Love is not a girl who can Wrap herself around a new boy After a good cry. Love is a softer Message than candy and flowers, Less than hanging on him for Hours and dressing up To undress later.
"Love" isn't a texted Proclamation of desire. It's not what you want. You want "yes" and "Like" and "Tomorrow is fine, Let's go at six." You want what you have To be enough.
I have enough without Fooling myself, I have enough without your Kind of help, Your brand of "love."
I feel like a liar for writing about this kind of love...