Voices from the mists of truth and agony at the same time//for we had expectations and destinations we never met//the clouds get the best of us, even in rain the light can be sought//that song you sing your *** off to, when you think nobody listens//when the crowd is at zero, but the energy at unlimited watts//shock the world with your love, and when it gets shot down, load it back up//you die when you quit, losing is living, take a note and rehearse until your fed up//let the led be your blood, and the melody will follow//the beautiful struggle is the conquer, not the riches at the end//it's all a plus, ending in invisible negatives//we feel em, just not too sure when to expect em// Sing your *** off child, if your off cue, roll with the punches//if those chops turn red, forget the stage fright and recollect about the skies//you can never sing your *** off too many times//