Who we are... Probably at one point or another, we were two doves set out to pair up forever// At one point or another, we were probably right and left, can't do without the other// Probably at one point or another, we set sail to the uncharted// At one point or another, we probably were butterflies...reincarnated// Probably at one point or another, we were two rain drops, hit the pavement at the same speed// At one point or another, we probably were angels, flying at each other's hearts for seize// So when probably becomes for sure, I promise to meet you wherever you wish to endure// Now things are forever, two means one, we created that definition with not no one// Selfish with the way we share our love, not some, but enough to feel numb// A whole lot of brain connection, a whole lot of soul reception// Receiving means no more than giving, but to you my love, I offer my living// Who we are... Two heart beats turned to one, one single vein pumping to the lungs//