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Aug 2014
Spiraling through memories
A painful time in which my face can't show
Intensity ranging from love to anger
A labyrinth of turmoil
A temporary blissful high
And a raging isolated low
I wonder when you let go

You held on real tight
As the night grew piercing cold
Two hearts set on fire
Shedding light unto our souls
Remnants of ash still linger upon weary roads
Days travel past...
I wonder when you let go

Racing up from the fire
Amidst a vibrant glow
Alas, feelings of relief are suddenly bestowed
They pick at my mourning
They tolerate my woes
They motivate me when I stand on my own
But even so...
I wonder when you let go

Maybe in a latent sigh
An inexplicable blink of the eye
Or a howling, youthful cry
Did we let our feelings show
For all we wanted, we didn't truly know
And in yearning for a love that couldn't grow
I wonder when I let go
Jaclyn Ciriello
Written by
Jaclyn Ciriello  Daytona Beach, FL
(Daytona Beach, FL)   
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