My life consists of walk-by smiles Shallow, lacking any real depth No burning passion, or even deep regret Just small ones--here or there That culminate into something more. My walk is sometimes slow and sometimes fast. I love the pretty girls that smile back. But a smile is only that, a smile It is here and gone again. The brief excitement or fuzzy feelings fade Into nothing but the cold breeze against my face Reminding me that somethings missing. It is more than just the smiles They are only a small piece of the whole The feelings of an incomplete existence One lacking so much love and joy Filled with busyness, addictions and indifference Feeding the bad with attempts to remove But lacking the courage to fill with good Perhaps too much pride, or doubting I deserve All of it let alone a little Resolution eludes me even now So many distractions deepening the disillusionment Will the walk-by smile life ever lead To stopping, a hello, even coffee or tea... I usually make too big a deal, but I see the problem is probably me.