I’m slowly realizing just how finite we all are, that my days on this Earth are numbered. but I know, too, that death is just as impending as any other far prospected tomorrow that I may face. Tomorrow may come in the shell of an Adventure; it could be the day I find the courage to live, that I desperately seek. Perhaps today I will find nothing Or maybe what I look for is by now found. Recently my days have been passing quietly. I’ve been keeping my head down And living life tidily, afraid to look up and find that what I might see is just another day quickly passing me. But my head has been held down for too long - I’ve been watching my feet move busily While I should have kept my eyes on the stars Turning slowly in seasons like the leaves on the trees. Instead I have only watched the slow and sickle buckle in my knees Where have my eyes been focused as of late? I could have sworn that ten years ago was only a yesterday ago. Instead, it is a recollection floating right behind the veil of memory that has become too transparent to really see. Where do we draw the line between today and tomorrow; when did the spilt blood of then trickle into the veins of today?