In a dream I was asked to be dismissed from the prestigious group I belonged to at the university. Somehow, they had discovered by true personality. I begged and pleaded to continue attending the meetings and receiving the free merchandise. They acted haughtily toward me. They said they would still allow me to room in the same dormitory as the other members but that was it.
In a second dream, a road was blocked by semi-trucks that tote Ford trucks. I tried to swerve around them in my parent's SUV, but I missed the road entirely and my car slowly dropped into a sewer ditch. In my head, I thought, get your cell phone. Luckily, I didn't. Weight became semi-irrelevant in the water and I could lift half of the car out of the ditch with my foot. Only half though, because once it emerged from the water, weight was relevant. You know what I mean? A woman I knew in grade-school pulled me out by my arm pits and we called my mom.
I woke up and itched mercilessly at the poison ivy on my legs. Weeks earlier, I had talked at length about how I wasn't allergic to poison ivy. Weeks earlier, I had been going with two guys. Now I was painfully lonely and painfully itchy.