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Aug 2014
I was born of Love
Live in love
Am love

Born of love
I've been a child born of the spirit of the wind,rays of sunshine,the song in birds and the boldness of an animal!

Although ones soul gets shaken once in a while by the aches and joys of this world the earth still carries us.

Introduced to this world as if you are a universe in yourself, glittering eyes of love...if these people adore me so much then there definitely something about me and my role in this world through these Gods I've come to know as Queen Lindiwe of love and laughter & King Modisane warrior of happiness and enlightenment!

Those who pass on, pass merely because those left behind don't know it yet but they stronger than they let themselves believe!
Prince and Princess of this kingdom carry in their essence, the spirit of fallen Gods that use to walk the earth in human form!

Your greatness shine through me your seed, flourishing everyday always know I have  in my essence and presence your spirit. Taking my strides with confidence that if anything were to happen to me on this earth we call home, I would be reunited with My fallen Gods.
So I take every step,jump,thought,run with the boldness of one always being in the presence of Kings and Queens never forgotten but rather embraced through LIFE & LIVING
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