Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, Kik, Snapchat, It's all about the most Likes, Comments, Retweets, Favorites, Snaps, Followers, Where have our real friendships gone? When something goes wrong we post a selfie, write a status, send a snapchat, or tweet about it. For what? For the hopes to hide our feelings on the internet. For the hope that a stranger will like it, That a stranger will leave a comment saying everything will be okay? We have become numb. Forgetting the real relationships in our lives. When there's a problem, we escape to the internet for that next like instead of talking to someone who actually cares. When we don't get the attention we're looking for, we post a #selfie to find what we're looking for. Social media has become the new drug of our age, And it's changing the way we live our day to day lives.