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Jul 2014
Do you ever feel the presence of someone watching, standing at the door, but never knocking. To afraid to enter, for what you may see, so you always sit and wonder what it really could be. Maybe the sixth dimension, you feel inclined to bring it up, but fail to mention. The complexity is testing me, Taking me to my limits, Walking through the dark I can never feel diminished. So tired of writing sad songs, but then again the happiness I seldom feel, it doesn't last long. All of my feelings on this paper, I've given to you, just know that all the things I say, they really are true. I did a lot of bad things in the days of my youth, I'm sure I'll pay for when I meet my moment of truth. But until that day, I vow to be better with god on my side guiding me through the weather.
Written by
HVNTĘR GRAY  23/M/Dissidence since 1995
(23/M/Dissidence since 1995)   
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