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Jul 2014
Lying beneath the moonlight,
Thinking for hours, I lay awake for coming are the meteor showers,
Could there be other forces of benevolent powers, Taught the understanding that this world is truly ours. But is it? A question asked so cataclysmic. I lie awake and now i wonder, Can this decision be made by one man, without another? Of course not, not by the moral standards we're all taught. From birth, let me ask what on this earth, Could make you want to cause such devastation. I don't think you truly understand the sciences behind the forces you threaten to exert. Are you really making this quest for what its worth? If you were there's not a question in my mind that you'd seek other options. Because the choice that your contemplating isn't just by any means, it's cruel, and quite lawless. A flash comes a bang, the wave is hyper sonic, theres something sinister to it, You can't seem to reason or find your logic, what's happening to your body is microscopic, I'm talking sub particles, it's atomic. If you're lucky enough to survive, thank your god that you're alive. I pray he'll shield your eyes from what their about to see. The mind will become sick and the air thick with uranium hard to breath. To other souls Theres something beautiful to it, the coming of wars and the nuclear movement.
Written by
HVNTĘR GRAY  23/M/Dissidence since 1995
(23/M/Dissidence since 1995)   
   Joseph Schneider
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