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Jul 2014
As I lead you to serenity over the bridge by the lake where the flowers bloom at day break, we'll stop to sit if only for a bit to ponder our woes, worries, and our fits. I'll school you in life and all of it's riches, teaching you how infinite we are, the possibilities are endless. This isn't a love poem, nor sad, but one of proposal in which I'm sure you've not had. Take this chance to grow closer, for when the nights grow long and colder, I'll be there to keep you warm, love and protect you. I saw the light within you from the first glance. It's some years later now, here I am asking you for a chance to dance and take you on trip to the outer most. Back then I was young and immature, but my feelings for you today are entirely sure. I want to be your's and that's all there is to it. These feelings I convey to you with hidden metaphors hoping you explore the meaning in the words I speak to their core. What is it you seek? What are your desires? Your heart I'll inspire to soar higher and higher until we reach the heavens. With each passing day I come to wonder when I may call you my own. I know it sounds absurd, but I knew from the start that you were meant to be a part of my life. Can you imagine, a fairy tale ending spending our lives together forever no matter the weather we'll brave the storms. You don't have to search anymore, I'm right here and that's clear.
Written by
HVNTĘR GRAY  23/M/Dissidence since 1995
(23/M/Dissidence since 1995)   
   Joseph Schneider
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