Little red riding hood Running through the forest Doesn't even see the wolf She doesn't feel his presence
Little red is rumored to Have senses keen and quick But she doesn't feel his pounding paws Or hear the snapping of a stick
All she thinks is "Get to grandma's "Before it turns dark" But he's sneaking his way to her Blending in with the tree bark
Her heart is pumping up a storm From all the adrenaline While he is hiding in the bushes His stare is quite intense
Just before she can stroll by He pounces from position And strikes her with his paw so hard She loses her ambition
Seeing death before it comes She curls into herself Her life just flashes cruely To where all she thinks is "help"
A bang as loud as thunder Echos hauntingly to her ears And she flinches away from where The wolf should have been, submitting to her worst fears
A gentle voice calls Little Red's name And she snaps her head up fast Seeing a dead wolf lying there All she can think is "at last"
Remembering the person who'd called her name She witnessed a scene of her grandmother Slowly lowering the tip of a gun And giving her a smile like no other
"Well done, grandmother," Red quickly cheered Clapping her hands as she stood But her grandmother shook her head and sighed to herself "You've got dirt all over your hood."