It was a far-fetched dream to even to begin to imagine that you could be mine. ignored the limitless amounts of time you said no and translated it to maybe later... because I never let anyone get to me the way you did, and yet, you never wanted it only desired the ones who you saw in your mind as ideal should have noticed it then you gave up our friendship for what you thought was real can't say I blame you though because I did the same even though you never wanted me there was a group of people I started to ignore because of you regret it a lot because even if I didn't want to know they would tell me how to deal with you and when to let go but that option was non-existent to me until recently I made a promise that I always intended to keep and I can still but I don't understand why now a days you are so out of control stories and stories bout what you did and with who and it hurts me to know that's the way people talk about you that's why I hold on to the past because I know whom you once were I miss that girl everyday even though I can't have her I mostly blame myself because maybe if I tried harder things wouldn't have end up this way but who's to say what would have happened so I'll put the past to rest as you request and continue to live on with my life but does that consist of you?
If it doesn't then maybe tomorrow shouldn't consist of memories of the past just enjoy the present while we have it lasts and for once when we say goodbye I'll leave it be just like the way it was supposed to be
I still want to know why you write about someone you want to forget while your with someone you called your best and I know your past still haunts you but numbing yourself to the point where your mask is literally your face is a dangerous chance to take dont push away anymore. what do you have left to lose?