Looking meticulously on a river scene of beautiful Wednesday afternoons with all of life’s luxury Out the window is a tree bent and gnarled with visible age twice my own The perfect metaphor of life merely eking by, postured against infinity As another, warped by the waves and turned to termed drift wood, also catches my eye for its existential merit As it’s all been said before perspective is our only peculiarity At the point, or lack there of, between all and nothing Our minds spontaneous self-revelation is miracle enough for any, god fearing be ****** As over grown and lush as the under-leaves have become it seems like a waste to cut them out now so we might as well pump them full of fertilizers and hope for the second coming Of knowledge and growth that began in the stone age bottle necking and splurged on drugs and money during the industrial revolution. While trying to remember the ugliest parts that were and always will be me Lets get free, really really free