I awoke by the sea to a fearful crashing, the ground juddering under me. In the distance, ribbons of laughter- the shape of human life. I had not forgotten.
From an immense past, a thread of light drew me back. This was my dream-plan. This is what I asked for.
I lift my head to look. It wavers on its weak stalk. Without command, my arm-stumps jut out at odd angles, as if about to take me with them somewhere.....too soon. They have a mind of their own.
Uplifted, I am blessed with a peaceful crown of blue from which a sweet-salt tang sharpens a wild desire...
I want the air, I want to push back the hampering twigs, to hang on thermals in an unlimited sky where I can chase my bird-shadow over the hardened earth.
But I must wait for the sky to offer itself, wait for the light to whisper- It's time. Time to begin again, to take a wiser flight. To be free as a bird.