here. here a dark, cold bedroom. unmade bed. blinds shut, light spilling onto the floor through the gap in the curtains. quiet. a cliff. the sky is dark. the rushing waves below are bright blue, but violent. the wind tears at my clothes, my hair, my throat, stealing every breath. i begin to breathe heavily, pacing the wooden floor, pushing my hair out of my face frantically. i step closer. i have to. i have no choice. my mind flashes, cuts between here and here and i cannot breathe. i am shaking, uncontrollable. the scenes keep flashing and switching in front of me, back and forth. i am at the edge. i look out at the water. violent, crashing, unrelenting. my insides feel the same. tears begin rolling down my cheeks and i have lost control of the flashes, so i let it happen begging for it stop. i open my arms, as if embracing the ocean. i am cold, but i do not care. the sky and sea reflect me, as if we are all the same. i breathe deeply, not daring to close my eyes. i am alone. all alone. no control. i beg to no one. i cry for nothing. my heart is calm, relaxed. i feel light. my heart is racing. stop stop stop. one foot steps in front of the other. it hangs over the side of the cliff i am on the floor now. i do not feel myself hitting the ground, only seeing the dark wood beneath me. i cannot back away. stop please stop. i am begging, please *i jump.