merry christmas my brother & sister of the world. may you walk with peace an love in your hearts. on this christmas day. may the angel from heaven walk this road in life with you an keep you safe an warm, as you travel these roads in life. may lord bless you an family on this christmas day. to bring all the joy of happiness on this wonderful day. greatest gift in life one can give in life is peace. the love an happiness you, bring to some one life. by share the love of peace, as we travel this roads in life. lets build this world of peace for children of this world. lets stop the hate now!! an start caring for one another, by share the love of peace. an alway love one another for who we are. an say i'am friend how can i help you my friend. an i love you for you because you are my friends. i'am here my friends to help you an every one of this world. to build a world peace. one brick at time. sharing the love peace to everyone in this world. an yes we can!! build a world of peace, yes my friends of this world we can build a world of peace. for the children of this world. an every one in this world. merry Christmas.