Colors. Colors have so many meanings and the images the convey vary widely. Black- the color of night, the only time I saw the outside. The color of my room, during nights I silently cried as I was lulled to sleep by muffled shouts. White- the colors of the walls that I stared at for hours, while I felt myself lose touch on reality. Gray- the haze in my mind on the days I didn't get out of bed. The fog that many days passed in, melting one memory with the next. Purple- the bruises from being pinned into place. The marks left on my body because I "deserved" it. Red- the colors of welts left on my body. The color of the little lines that decorated my wrist and arm. Yellow- the color of the sun, the treasure I was blessed to see on rare occasions. The cheery brightness that I try to show others, because I'd never wish the other colors on anyone.