I've lost count how many times You said you were Sorry, Or how many times I lied, Telling you I forgive you, Just to Stop Hearing Your Venomous voice.
My first physical connection with a man Was simply you Injecting your Parasitic poison Into me
And, No matter how many times I break my skin, And try to bleed it out, The poison still flows through my veins-- Slowly killing the heart you broke, And filling my brain with The insanity I take pills every day To try to Ignore.
The only revenge I seem to have have Is that guilt you claim to feel.
I know I should be happy You're "doing better" But to be perfectly honest, I would be much happier Watching you Suffer as I have.
The god you claimed to serve Was not the god you really worshiped-- The man you saw everyday when you Looked in your mirror to Shave your face with That expensive electric razor I bought you for your birthday.
I always knew you were lying when You told me you loved me. But, I understand now That you were lying more to yourself Than you were to me.
We couldn't fix each other, And secretly, we both knew We weren't even trying-- We were just trying to use each other To get by in a world Where ****** up people like us Simply couldn't fit in With everyone else.
But none of that matters. What matters is now, And now, I am relieved that I will never Have to see you again
Because in my mind, I can sit, watching you Writhing in pain From the remorse I hope you feel,