I don't think I've ever witnessed horror to this extent Body parts are flying like shooting stars and it looks like people are wishing on them Relaxing with family members watching the bombs rain down as screams perforate the sky like the rip of paper
My dreams of a beautiful future have been ruined, not beautifully, not like some artefact I will later go photograph This is horror This is hope, hope in the leaders of the world, hope in the humanity of humanity, destroyed I will never look at myself the same Or my friends or my family As we sit back watching human beings having their skin peeled off of them There's nothing we can do No petition will strike the hearts of the US Senate Our ancestors made a mistake giving them so much power
Forcing people to change their loyalties in front of the world As a child I read 1984 and laughed at what Orwell thought the world would become I have since realised that reality is worse
This is not a downward spiral No one has become nauseous enough to realise what is going on This is a voluntary jump, a suicide mission we have set out for ourselves without knowing it
There are people in Palestine who have nowhere to run I don't even know what that feels like To have nowhere to go for shelter