A balcony underneath a blanket of stars, Any other night and it may have been beautiful. Fearing the unknown; not really knowing what it is I fear. Standing at the edge of a precipice- Wondering, waiting for fate’s hands to guide me over the edge, Or to drag me back into my blinded distrust Where soothing words smother uncertainties.
Prepare yourself; a thousand questions to which there are no answers, Only a deathly silence, a blank face, unquestionable- There is a fine line between eternal slumber and death, And through the eyes of another I face both. In darkness, time unmercifully lengthens- in sleeplessness, I ask myself over and over and over, But the wind’s whispers are too quiet to hear.
So many others relish the relief of the unknown, Alone I stand, able to see through their grimaces. Through self-indulged abandonment have I dug my own grave. I left you in his healing hands; judgment and doubts aside. Each marked stone bears the signature of your remembrance, To all of these days I have walked upon the earth. Convince me, tell me and take me away from this precipice- Back into your awaiting arms.
A poem that I wrote on a night my Grandfather was slipping in between life and death. I wrote the poem intentionally to be about my Grandfather, but also took it to symbolize God; how in such times we doubt Him, but still seek his aid.