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Jul 2014
As you lay in the covers and sheets of your bed: with your lover to the left and your favorite pillow beneath your head.
You think of life as it is and think of love too,
As it exists.
Your eyes close. Your mind begins to drift.
Your thoughts become vapor
Drifting towards the rigid tides of day and night.
As you hit the surface you begin to sink and seep into the streams of cognitive dreams.
You swirl and sweep flowing deeper and deeper into the dark depths of sleep
Beneath the water bridges,
You think.

Life is a conscious coma.
A constant flow of paradox stuck in between contradicting consciousness of idealistic ought to be’s and realistic realities.
Love is just the same.
We are all awake yet asleep within a dream.
Love is the fall into the breaks of hallucinogenic waves between beauty and the obscene.
Life is just the same.
So fragile yet so weak.
They tread and sink within contradicting currents
Beautiful yet bleak.

Laying in the covers and sheets of your bed: with your lover to the left and your favorite pillow beneath your head. You think of life as it is and love too,
As it exists.
You stare at the ceiling above, eyes wide as you begin to realize
All that matters is the fall in both life and love.
So fall.
Patty Baier
Written by
Patty Baier  Toronto, ON
(Toronto, ON)   
   Francie Lynch
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