it's almost 3 a.m and my eyes are begging for sleep but my fingers are dreaming of your skin and longing for your touch and I miss you so much that I started sleeping on your side of the bed and I swear I can still feel your lips on my forehead or the warmth of your voice in my ear whispering goodnight I love you you said it's almost 3 a.m and one side of the bed will always be empty it doesn't matter where I lay because I swear I feel you everywhere your name in my throat and your fingers in my hair but that doesn't even begin to compare to the fact that when they asked me for my blood type I almost choked on your smile ten thousand miles between our veins and you still manage to take my breath away it's almost 3 a.m and even when my blood turns to whiskey my mind wanders back to you in this drunken state of black and blue I love you you said it's 3 a.m goodnight from your side of the bed