Snow falls And trees Stand Darkly visible Beneath Ancient crowns of Snow and ice
In these creaking limbs Nothing changes - The slow viscosity of time Drapes the boughs in Delicate shards that Swallow light
But Over here In dark stains Beneath old eaves Famined eyes slide among Rivers of shadow Pursuing the warm glow of life - In an instant They absorb the warm hapless thing Whose bright shrieks tear At the fabric of shadows
The beasts feed - Their crippled little yelps Resonate Death through the Forest where Time shivers and breaks - From dark boughs Gleaming Thorns of ice whisper To earth In the silent thunder of snow
Satisfied The beasts leave - A sacrifice of blood And bone Is made - Crimson tears bloom In the snow - Time gathers the vibrant colour in its Crystal embrace
High above Winter winds Caress the old boughs That lovingly Creak and whisper