If there is one thing I've learned In the past few weeks It's the only encouragement You are capable of giving Are those kicks to the ribs When I'm down on the ground Or It's horoscopes and fortunes Only grant truth to those Like pipe dreams come true Because we are all searching for something Deep inside the plumbing
If there is one thing I've learned In the last few months It's hope is not hope if it's broken That evanescent idea in my head Of happiness being at the end of the tunnel And not inside me is wrong Or It's everyone has an agenda And regardless of their philanthropy They are in it for themselves.
If there is one things I have learned In the past few years, it's Love is both existential and theoretical It is not for the faint of heart It is for those who have had theirs made strong Through scarring and wounds From having their ventricles punctured By cherub's arrows and constantly having them removed. Or Love is a war And only those in its wake of misery Will truly understand it Once they have its warmth In their arms.
If I understand only one thing Throughout my entire life It would be "I love you" Should never be an obligation Nor a recursion Nor a simple statement Said to make one feel better Or When trumpets blare And violins sing And such crescendo swells Until such music leaves you Breathless and without thought Only then will you feel like I felt In your arms