As the existential transition is signed and stamped and photographed for our fathers My little journey a little later than others, an adherence to the structure sure, but where else will we learn As the papers are handed in, the informal formalities hit home with just enough liquor And we are torn between insecurity and empowerment I notice among the bread and beer and bullshitting banter One of the girls is looking my way a little longer
Her mind draws me in to a natural respect, an intelligence clearly and frankly explored It is a source of comedy, a source of conversation, and for me I'd be lying if not a source of attraction Naturally her appearance doesn't hurt the situation, a compliment of warmΒ Β smiles and intense colour coupled with an honest sense of self And a sleek silhouette to hold it in
One thing this town has taught me, by both strangers and the self It doesn't take much to be **** The real goal is constructed from the subtle implication of your own taste That you find that someone who is sexually and socially engaging And who could add more than trivial ******* to your life Someone who compliments and compares to you, reconstructing the familiar to something more rewarding
That is not to say *** is pointless But if you find that right one who acts as your muse, *** is another exploration of that two way empowerment Clothed and carrying on, you can talk out the simple and fantastical, defining direction as companions who find each other's presence a motivating reassurance And in the sweat and the snog, after the spontaneous first **** frees you, you can start to suggest new tests of sensuality and mindfucking loveliness
I wonder if all those looks mean what I feel they mean That she respects me in a way I haven't given her openness for, that I let those compliments go deeper than rain on the wind shield That all the natural conversation is something for which I should let go of all the defensiveness that has kept me so comfortable in these years of functional formality That maybe I should take a chance on this one, that cute one standing tall on her identity, in the same time of transition as me But with less lessons behind her concreting her certainty
Maybe it's worth risking that bitter old ******* rejection just one more time Maybe I should ask her if there's something In That Really Inviting Look.