laying in bed with ephemeral kate: her hands are brazen, fingernails clenching upon my hips beneath the sheets, her grip barely elucidated beneath buttercream bedsheets. her pale pink ******* cast aside hours ago, and now the sun slants westward upon her bedroom walls. I laid waste to her skin, ravaging her with lips and tongue and teeth, and I am sated, if only for the moment, scent of her skin upon my tongue and her ****** a badge of honor upon my mouth. her bedsheets are ruins, UNESCO World Heritage Site waiting to be uncovered and reclaimed; if it wasn't oh so lovely, laying languorous limbs asprawl, your stomach pulsing beneath my thigh, her chest rising and falling, rising and falling, beneath my head; I always boasted I was cutest when sleepy, and she always murmured assent with a halfsmile; that ******* halfsmile, playing around the corners of her endlessly kissable mouth, lips glistening with a mix of lipgloss and ***. the sun dips down towards the horizon, a girl hurrying homeward a minute after curfew; her nails traverse upwards, scouring my spine; my mouth is pressed against her neck, tentative words and laps embossed upon the hollow of her throat. she laughs, she sighs, endlessly inimitable kate.