It were as if the stars perched consistently atop rafters on Mars Yet they knew nothing of the silken night’s scars, luminescent and mirrored in moon rays, such sparse planetary alignments fine tuned with universal regard.
Elegance snuck a glance at the immediacy of my gut’s stance, suggesting celestial semblance in your dance be cancelled, lest bile be spilled, silence, by chance, killed all for the sake of the trampled
Clock tocked out of stock leaving ticks in her spot as the alarm beat us back into orbit, we forgot the words of the day said to do what we ought as sneaky fate intertwined herself behind my forehead
Often, my sighs are laden with listlessness in such stillness, eyelids flit with a bliss-less shift ill-fit shadows cast off dimly lit lanterns kissed the dimming mechanism behind my lids fused itself to the plaster ladders wrought with rusted rungs lead on to open doors as laughter bubbled while stairwells warped by weather’s withdrawals, slunk slowly across the floor