hear the music It's funny, when we read. One hears music of thought. Light Clarinets with supporting Cello. Five word sentences for now. Smooth and gentle tones around. Seeing the conductor's swaying arms.
We pick up the pace going fast. Now violins playing quickly back and forth. Sevens words at a time building expectation.
Nine words brings us almost to the great clash. The heated strings of the instrument playing ever hard. The horns gaining confidence and aggression with every second. Cadance. Cutting into the music. Stopping. The Flow. Chopping. Arms of the conductor. cease.
Soft wind instruments singing Trombones and Tubas lumbering in. Cello, Lute, and percussion adding. *Whistles of the Flutes Quickly rising as the music picks up tempo the conductor with more vigor The energy rising and rising sporadic outbursts heading towards the CLASH of the symbols Now the music and words flowing with no breaks and stops always filling your ear with this continuous overwhelming yet pleasurable sound of thoughts and ideas bouncing around the walls of your skull the never ending music coming down gluing you to your seat with a cacophony of chaos that makes you read on and on until it quickly descends into complete stillness.
Blank balloon of silence punctured by the needle of a Oboe
Sliced by a harp The symphony of words is endless.
Am I the only one with an imaginary orchestra in my head? Yeah? Oh, okay