I can't grieve, not for things I don't understand not for things that haven't happened to me. I can't offer you support or share your grief, it's not my own and therefore, any emotions I feel or display, is partially false.
I don't tell you this to be rude. I tell you because it's the truth. It's a truth I feel I should expose. Don't ask me to grieve with you, I cannot. Don't ask me to feel and understand your pain always, because I may not be able to. Don't judge me for not being able to relate, Sometimes it's just not possible. In return I won't judge or ask of you anything I cannot do myself.
The truth isβ¦I feel many things, deeply. I feel pain, sorrow, anger, remorse, regret, happiness and nervousness. I can feel them all but sometimes there are somethings I shut out. Grieving, and experiences I myself have no idea how to handle or deal with. I shut them out, because sometimes there isn't room for more. Truth, I think of myself as a cup. I'm always filled to the brim with feelings to deal with. If there's any room I'll share in yours. But trust me to decide if there's room. The truth is I love too deeply, and care too much to feel much else. All I want is someone to understand that silence, repressed emotions, and anger are the only way I know to deal with it. I want someone to understand, I'm not being mean. I'm surviving.