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Jul 2014
Who is my strength?  A mere man who choses when to be strong?
He is not my shield.
Dangerous words fly through him to me.  
He says. “I don’t hear them.”
                NO STOP!
He does not refuse or rebuke.
He stands by as words fly by, as people who
are supposed to be sincere deceive.
Nothing to them, to you the same.

I dreamed a dream,
one of being loved, protected.
Warm, Embraced…
Woke up
I find myself embraced, by My  touch.

In my hands, my life stands.
In my dreams, I ended.
What a good dream that was.
I woke, and live my nightmare.
Those who are real
Cause pain. YOU! Cause pain.
I’d rather dream.
In dreams, nothing hurts.
Written by
Linda Cuadra  Here
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