Everything is temporary Your hurt Your home Everything Except for me You'd smile while I cried The unwavering voice Of everything being alright It was boldly defined love The ability to assure the paranoid Of their biggest fears escape Permanence You dug the word love into my frame A sink hole impossible to rearrange Or place anywhere other than my chest It tattooed me painlessly Our promises etched into my rib cage We were an ecosystem within ourself Our commitment a maze only we managed to navigate I was so accustomed to your hand in mine I'd began to think our roots had entwined Our respiratory patterns had synced Or was it that your breath shallowed Like my own From the deforestation leaving me to sink As I watched you turn from man to stone Lighting the match burning our home You dropped so many hints Just hard enough not to break Me But in the shards of glass and ruin All I could see was your flaunted happiness And my disintegrating memory My inability to feel alone Without feeling lonely And I don't exactly know what I want Other than little less empathy And a little more apathy And possibly a day of recovery Spent in sobriety I only know that I'm tired of crying to sleep Over a man that says I'll love you like he'll stay And cries when he leaves My ribs promises want to scream A congratulatory You Broke Me But in my deterioration I'm stuck with only a memory You were the only one that told me I smelled amazing after a cigarette, And that is why the time I spent with you I could never regret But you'd always hated that I smoke Because you said I took our time and shortened it But that's now proven irrelevant Because I can't shorten what's meant to be permanent But the ashes of your disappearance Now fall on your conceptual forever And within a matter of minutes we were consumed by the great inevitable.