I'm tired of your false words and petty excuses for vanity
I'm tired of your faked tears and faked loss of breath
I don't want to be there anymore
You can keep on sobbing and saying how I don't understand
How I was never there for you
Go brood with the rest of your "depressed gang"
You can get your friends to flood me with abuse and you can get them to hate me
You can be biased and lie about me all you like
I don't care anymore
You can ignore me and try to guilt an apology out of me
You're not getting one
Stop trying to win me over with "accidental" flashes of your wrist
'I hate you' is far to weak a phrase to describe it
Keep on crying Gain your hollow sympathy
Keep on covering your arm in red ink and insist on showing everyone your little 'secret'
I could not care less
You don't deserve my sympathy, my apologies, my attention,
you don't deserve a second thought
So I will leave you with three words that sum it up;
Go **** yourself.
Because I don't care.
Not anymore.
Based off of a "friend" of mine. It's probably worth mentioning that this is just the experience of one person who claims to have depression and pretends to self-harm, not of the entire community of depressed people/people who self-harm. Please do not get offended, as this is my opinion of one person.