I'm a ******* trophy, and I don't need a safeword because intimacy is a waste of my time if I don't feel like I can't breathe at least once Sure I'll say but my face will be the same color as my blood or my favourite lipstick Wear me around his neck if he could I know, he told me I love you beyond the moaning, I do that's not all there is to me How many times do I have to say it now? I don't start fires, I am the fire Love won't die unless you ****** it and I don't believe in violence Gasoline veins since birth so the right person could throw a match on me so throw a match on me, I know it's you Have you ever tried swimming with your arms tied behind your back, that's how you make me feel sometimes Sorry People would love to identify my body at the morgue especially the ones who put it there someone already tried to put it there but no one wants to hold a dead thing