Now look here You’ve left me with nothing else to say I’m here, my arms outstretched, my body curled and aching There are no unspoken promises No feelings left unfelt You have undressed my heart Made love to my soul I watch the perfect curves of your mouth As they sing the songs of love that I’ve heard But never listened Never believed Until I felt the melody Humming deep inside of me This is love this is what it means how it feels to be loved Love Like being in a comfortable daze Perfectly happily hungrily No matter how much you give me I want so much more The second that you turn away I feel lost Comfortably lost I close my eyes and there is a thick blanket of darkness Nothing else, not even pain It is love but it feels like I am going to cry forever, without tear drops It is love but it feels like I have just woken up Living in a cocoon of memories that are fading and almost gone I miss it but soon I’ll forget Because I live this dream every day When I think of you and see your smiling face Precious and beautiful You are