I wish I could go back and change what I said You are so much more than unique with bright eyes returning from the battle. You keep waking up. I once knew how to breathe air that wasn’t filled with my own need. But this isn’t about me. Mia. Mine. I want to give you tight squeezes to my chest keep you from the pain that I never could have recovered from. So on this day, remember what you felt, what you will never stop feeling.
Fists closed, cheeks turned upward tongue out. Rain feels like moonlit kisses and you want nothing more than to drown in their sweet caresses Fall asleep to the sound of mandolin, baby, you’re miles from here. You daydream of dolphins and glasses unbroken baby you’ve got work to do here. Dig toes into half wet sand salty silences grace each curve of your hands as you want to pray instead, you smile laugh like you’ve just seen the Queen dip her chipped tea cup into the ocean before you. You grow. Look in the mirror and notice hair, body, face recognize your little rebellions as you make mistake after beautiful mistake Feel the weight of the last day of moving away remember what safe sounds like. Ride boats in the night take the wheel and you’re flying you always have been. Return to the shore hope to flop your belly to the land hold it close not drift away never go back the way the water went. Taste pasta smooth as that man you once met on Maple St. You devour the coyote calls and dark halls bit by bit baby, you’re moving alone here. Feel your own baby feel his little breath and puckered toes. Kiss his nose and weep like Mother Mary must have. Like every mother must have. Catch him as he runs from you swing him round and read aloud “the end” watch him say again again Move aside as he grows tall You work long shifts now tips taste like new shoes for Chase good food a day out of the house. Feel your mother around you and she has to go “traveling” she might have said. You take father’s ashes you take the basket with a story dedicated to you.
You can’t go back now You face forward, hand plates to the hungry hope to hand them your own doubt You dance to Dave Matthew’s Band you didn’t think too much of it. Touch the fuzz on her head feel grateful she has all of her fingers. Let your bones rest let them be. You watch them grow. Too quickly to pause but take in every second before they can fly too. You are sick but you keep waking up. Move happily from sand to water take in laughter from the other side. Grow, grow as you drive 2,736.5 miles to a new home where Maddie will bring you raspberries and talk of smelly ghosts in the next room. Where you’re son will nearly die and live again. Bringing what light he can. drive away sea air again the water is darker somehow. Feel the pull of California you are coming home. Unpack boxes filled with past treasures beam at memory and intended scrapbooks keep on keepin on scream with joy as September plays baby, you’re 16 again hips sway and pain fades away. There’s more to taste, so much more from this day.