It was Ecstasy that made her happy, and Ecstasy that made her cry. It was Ecstasy that made her sappy, and Ecstasy that made her emotions fly. This pill they call Ecstasy, was to her, more than just a a drug. But a gift and yet a curse, that she popped to keep herself up. But sometimes this Ecstasy did not always keep her up. Even in her highest moods, she felt like she was at the bottom of her cup. Now Ecstasy is thrilling, and makes your body feel alive. Though it is all just an illusion, that Ecstasy makes you feel so high. She takes the pill to live, and she takes the pill to die. But in the end, Ecstasy is nothing more than a perfect tragedy. And this Ecstasy that one loves so dear.. Will be the end of your life, or the opening to the wonderful clear.