People always say that we live in a 'big world.' I tend to disagree. Maybe it is the community that we always find ourselves settling into, surrounding each other with familiar faces and 'worn out places.' Applying a degree of regularity and comfort, a safe ship to return to To immerse in To confide in.
I like my own company. I like being alone. I like being with my mind and the fresh crisp air bathing my skin in some secluded speck of greenery that I have randomly pointed to on the map. Or maybe, sometimes, I camouflage myself amongst the commuters of that town, maybe, I will sit and watch, observing their dress senses and their faux-casual demeanor besides the 'so-called' fit human sporting a six pack and a shock of milky hair. I don't judge, I wonder what their lives are like today.
The farangs who think that Bangkok is just like any city, A doppelganger to London with looming giants who have a thousand eyes and crawling ants everywhere releasing odors of petroleum and cheap fried takeaway. By ants, I mean the cars, and the people.
Cheap. Cheap. Cheap.
How wrong these people are; how pretentious one may think I sound.
This is where my small world closes in. I gasp to burst the malleable sides of this container of air. Intangible but still constricting, a psychological barrier, enforced by the sensitive parts of my protected brain. A bell jar. I step back into the thesis that is my life, bringing a kind of catharsis and composition back to it.