Sometimes I am the mountain And nothing can shake me. I am ancient elegance, Unchanging; I never falter. The wind cannot sway me and neither can you. But today I am the ocean: Turmoil taken out on innocent sand, Motion I have no say in. The moon commands me and I I am so weak, I do what it says. The mountain is strong. But today, I am the ocean.
Winds blow past and rivers flow, But they have no influence upon me. Nothing shakes a mountain. The moon pushes, so I stumble. The moon pulls, So I fall. I cannot stop shaking. At least a leaf on the wind gets to settle To the ground eventually. There is no rest for my waters. The mountain is strong, But today I am the ocean.
And there are days I know how to speak up For myself and for others; Days when I can face anything. The mountain outlasts ice ages. But I am trembling. I am a tsunami and I want stillness but I am crashing destruction. I stumble away pieces of me left behind puddles amid tragedy. The mountain is strong. But today I am the ocean.