constant staring at scribblings on the wall, wasting time. pages stayed with tape and tacks with words having found understanding of how the Universe ticks -- *******. thoughts scrawled before first past life, put there by hand of hopeful idealism. writ before, then enacted through guise of terrible excuses -- *******. movement through with attempted realization, and refusing quarter for ends to selfish means. then prying image to subjugate logic. then onward selfish movement -- *****. abated a time, then in the fourth past life, perhaps sought retained. though all lives cry out for adap- tation. all crying out to leap, to find the next waiting, the one to find the prior salient -- digresser. fourth found temporary per- manence with excelling from deceitful path traversed. the changing of names follows change from di- to noc-turnal, with distance never relinquishing hold that follows image of sub- jugation -- metamaniac.