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Jun 2014
You made it seem like it was all real
As if you truly loved me
that's what you wanted me to feel,
But when I looked into your eyes
I saw some anger, secrets, even saw the lies.
I ignored all of it because I wanted you,
My heart was uncontrollable
It told me this love was true.
After all the memories we were creating
I had to erase them
Because this love was fading
Your lies were discovered, it didn't feel new
You lied from the beginning
Now I know what I must do
I'll let go of the memories that we once had
forget our future together
and forget our past
I'll move forward without you because there's more to discover
I'll create new stories,
Have mysteries to uncover.
My life won't end once you are gone
It's only getting started because
We are done.
Written by
Jess Rojas
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